🚨 Vulnerable post 🚨

Being a real estate agent, I take on a specific kind of care for my clients that I haven’t experienced in a work setting before. Buying/selling a house is a huge financial decision, and for a lot of people there is years of preparation and planning that leads up to the point of them contacting me to start their search or sale.

There are often many emotions in the process. Things go wrong. Life happens. Expectations aren’t always met. This led to me being extremely tired at the end of last year, emotionally. I am an empath and it is almost impossible for me to see other people disappointed or hurting without making it my personal responsibility to fix it.

This, along with other circumstances not related to work, led me to really neglect my own health for the later part of last year. My struggles with anxiety really vamped up, I gained some weight, stopped working out, and just felt tired and gross most of the time.

So why am I posting this?

After being in Cancun last week and coming back, I felt SO recharged and ready to hit the ground running in my business for 2023. I realized that I needed that time of rest and taking care of myself in order to be a better realtor.

When I am not my best self, I can’t give my clients the absolute best version of myself as a realtor.

So this is my promise to you- I am going to prioritize my own health (physical, mental, and spiritual) this year to make sure that when I show up as your realtor I am showing up not burnt-out and ready to bring my A-game.

So here’s to better health in 2023, and continuing to become a better real estate agent 🙌🏽