🦋 No true path–one with heart–as Buddhists say, is laid out for us. Only fingers pointing to the moon (also a Buddhist analogy). But the fingers ain’t the moon! That can only be discovered by us, along the path of our unique Hero’s Journey.
A true path is forged.
To do so, we must answer the ‘call to adventure.’ And that call won’t come, not perceptibly, until we’ve accessed at least a flicker of genuine inspiration. The seed of our ‘Ikigai.’
What do want to create, achieve, contribute, and why? What drives it? What’s the desired outcome? Can it be built upon in any meaningful, beneficial way, for others, now and sustain after we’ve dropped the meat suit?
If it doesn’t originate in the depths of our soul, as a reflection of who we truly are, it’s bound to leave us wanting, empty, unfulfilled.
The simplest, most universally applicable formula (simple, but not easy) is one I nicked from Dan Sullivan years ago.
His 4Cs (in this order):
⭐ Comittment
⭐ Courage
⭐ Capability
⭐ Confidence
Notice, counter-culturallly, confidence comes last. Why? Because true confidence is earned: the result of fully COMITTING (ride or die), demonstrating COURAGE (in the face of inevitable tests and obstacles), and as a result, discovering by the doing our true CAPABILITY.
My spin is this:
Starting with completely and repeatedly SURRENDERING to the will of The Divine only enhances, dare I suggest practically guarantees, success. Provided we remain steadfast and unwavering at executing the 4Cs.
Need help learning the art of true spiritual SURRENDER, and a guide along the way of YOUR HERO’S JOURNEY?
Reach out to see if we are 🙏alinged🙏 and if so, hop on my waitlist.
“There’s an Outside the Box Solution for Every Problem.”
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