Out of these top 7 benefits, what one could you use the most support for?

Great news! Our CALM BLEND is an herbal tincture/glycerite designed to specifically target stress, anxiety, restlessness (& so much more!) and helps promotes rest, calm, & relaxation.

Testimonial: “I’ve used a dropper full each day to help ease stress & feelings of anxiousness. It doesn’t make me drowsy but I’ve noticed it helps me actually rest & sleep better at night.”

This blend consists of Ashwagandha, Lavender, Spearmint, Chamomile, Passionflower, Valerian Root, Citrus Essential Oil.

Be sure to grab yours today. Easy for on the go – store it in your purse, backpack, luggage, or keep it by your bedside table.

To order: Link in bio