* Antioxidant 

* Scar Healing

* Heals Burns

* Calms Redness

* Improves Skin and Prevent Wrinkles

* reduces swelling

* Reduces Infection and Future Breakouts 

* Moisturizing

* Anti Fungal

* Increases Collagen

* calms eczema

* Heals Scarring

* Tighten skin tone

* Remove under eye bags

* Reduce inflammation

We each have a gift to share. Instead of pretending to be what everyone who doesn’t care about you wants you to be. Be yourself. Love yourself the way God loves you. Stop complaining that you are broken because He doesn’t make mistakes. We hit storms and we sometimes need to be rescued. It’s in your vulnerability of who you really are we all heal. Love what you do , be a life changer and most of all just love you because He loves you.

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