Meowy Christmas! I’m looking for a forever home. I’m about 8 months old, and a very sweet girl. I’ve been hanging out with a miniature schnauzer and an African grey bird, so I’m used to be social! Sleeping in your arms is where I want to be, but I’ll definitely play too. I’ve been going by the name of Krueger; I got the name from my nails, and the best part, I don’t mind them being trimmed! Leave us a message if you’re interested in being my family 🖤 #BlackCat #Krueger #TNLS #FranklinTN #TN #WilliamsonCO #AdoptMe #ForeverHome #NurseryCat #MeowyChristmas #Kitty #Meow #Free
Meowy Christmas! I’m looking for a forever home. I’m about 8 months old, and a very sweet girl. I’ve been hanging out wi…
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