Back in 2019, the Lord laid it on the founders heart to bring orphan-care back to the way He originally intended it to be. God has called us to stand out and to stand strong against the current of the world. Our desire is to please the Lord and for our hearts to break for what breaks the Father’s heart. He is our protector and provider and calls us to show His light to the world. We will never forget His commission to us.
#hopesbridgemiddletn #james127 #bridgefamilies #columbiatn #muletown #muletownusa #maurycountytn #springhilltn
#franklintn #williamsoncountytn #murfreesborotn #nashville #nashvilletn #middletennessee #tennessee #tennesseefostercare
#tennesseeadoption #foster
#fosterhope #adoption #adoptionislove #kinshipplacement #ipacare