Do you like yoga? Do you like being in a park? Then you’ll love “Yoga in the Park” happening Wednesday, June 21st, at the Park at Harlinsdale Farm! For more information about this free event and to register, go here: Friends of Franklin Parks will have a table set up at this event so you can learn more about Ellie G’s Dream World, which will be Franklin’s first inclusive park. Donations will be accepted, as well.Eli G’s Dream World: Franklin’s first inclusive park will be named in memory of Elliot Grace Castro, known as Ellie G, who passed away at the age of 4 in Septe…mber 2019. Ellie G was the granddaughter of Franklin Alderman Brandy Blanton. She was born with a very rare terminal form of dwarfism called Rhizometic Chondrodysplasia Punctata (RCDP). During her short life, she proved to be an example of courage, strength, and joy to all who had the privilege to know her or know of her. Click here to learn more. Be Well Mel built a donation into the sponsorship packages and each sponsor has donated to the cause. Friends of Franklin Parks will have a table at Yoga in the Park where more info and donation opportunities will be available. Have you registered? #InternationalDayofYoga #yogainthepark2023 #yoga #natureyoga #theparkatharlisdalefarm #harlinsdalefarm #FriendsOfFranklinParks #franklinparksdepartment #bewellmelevents #franklin #franklintn #citvoffranklin #williamsoncounty #LifePowerYoga Friends of Franklin Parks Life Time Franklin Be Well Mel City of Franklin, TN – Municipal Government Kelli Morrison Ehrenberger @MandyLuzinski Sarah Lake @ebars_functional_wholefood Peak Performance Chiropractic Vui’s Kitchen – fresh Vietnamese Sounds for the Soul The Curated Kid List Heart Space Vibes Megha Bradley Defiance Fuel The Hot Room Yoga and Wellness Center Nashville Events Yoga HOTWORX twine graphics & screen printing lululemon @lululemonfranklin Freeflowyoga Lauryn Salassi Gilliam Small World Yoga Lucy Busch
Do you like yoga? Do you like being in a park? Then you’ll love “Yoga in the Park” happening Wednesday, June 21st, at th…
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