#domesticviolence “1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.” @centerofhopetn is a facility that can help those suffering from domestic violence. They are in NEED of supplies and @middletnflamingos want to help! Contact us if you have donations or you can come to the Feb 3rd @columbiafirstfridays and drop off items.
If you’d like to donate money, see link for GoFundMe
🦩 Stand tall, Stand out, Stay balanced, Be unique🦩
Andrea Moskal & Amanda Broughton
The Flamingo Team with
Realty One Group Music City
615-613-7155 mobile
1-833-FLMINGO team
615-636-8244 office
600A Frazier Dr, Unit 123
Franklin, Tn, 37067
#andreamoskal615 #amandabsellsmiddletn #tnflamingorealtor #flamingorealtortn @realtyonegroup_musiccity @realtyonegroup_musiccitynash #middletn #middletnrealestate #middletnrealtor #springhilltn #franklintn #columbiatn #thompsonsstationtn #nashville #muletown #nashvillerealestateagent #buyersagent #murfreesborotn #movetonashville #Brentwood #mountjuliet @middletnflamingos @andreamoskal615 @amandab_sellsmiddletn #caregiver #care #realestate