For all of you who work so hard on gingerbread houses each year, a little secret I am trying this year: hot glue. YEP. Have you ever had the perfect gingerbread house fall apart when that last peppermint gets placed on the roof? NO MORE. I am going to hot glue my gingerbread house together and then cover it with icing. If you build a gingerbread house this year, tag me in the picture! I’d love to see it. #Nashvillerealtor #middleTNrealtor #greaternashville #relocationexpert #franklinTN #brentwoodTN #nashvilleTN #murfreesboroTN #smyrnaTN #lavergneTN #columbiaTN #fairviewTN #leipersforkTN #arringtonTN #mtjulietTN #lebanonTN #dicksonTN #hendersonvilleTN #gallatinTN #eastNashvilleTN #bellevueTN #westNashvilleTN
For all of you who work so hard on gingerbread houses each year, a little secret I am trying this year: hot glue. YEP. H…
by hobbi | Uncategorized