Happy T👅T!!

Jeepers, we need a grooming! We had to cancel when Dad got sick; we are going this weekend!

It’s been a while since Mom spoke of Duncan and toys, and about all that he’s been learning since Max came.

It’s hard to believe we’re coming upon Duncan’s second Gotcha Day.

Max has taught Dunc courage. To seek out Mom’s lap first. To bark. Loud. To use his might to get his way (example: Betty is outside and he paws Mom’s cell phone, her arm, and barks in her face!).

But Max is also, very very very slowly, teaching Dunc about the ball. So, Duncan mimics Max. Running up to Mom in expectation of a throw, like he knows exactly what to do! He will give chase to a throw if it’s a short one. Then, Duncan is happiest to take the ball into his own domain for a victory look-see and a chew.

With the sun, nothing makes Max happier than a good chase and fetch. He will literally play until he has to stop to catch his breath.

Good boy!
Such a good mate for the Dunc!!

#sweetness #tellingstories
#ball #play
#magic #fetch
#journey #dogsofinstagram
#igdogs #dogrescue
#westierescue #franklintn
#dogsoffranklin #dailywesties
#westienation #westielovers
#westiesoftennessee #newbeginnings
#tuesday #tongueouttuesday
#westierescuetn #westiesofinstagram
#family #learning
#traumarecovery #reflection
#learningfast #friendship
#homesweethome #westiebestiegang