I will never stop emphasizing how important your mentality is for labor and birth. It’s a brain game more than anything. You’re body will do all the work, you just have to relax enough to let it.
Here’s what one mother has to say….
“My daily mantra and prayer. May it bring peace to those who find themselves in the sacred waiting:
Today I am reminded that nothing in nature is rushed. I’m learning how to ground myself and stay present by quieting my mind. When fear creeps in, I will choose to trust this process. I will allow the mystery to unfold perfectly, receiving the abundant peace available to me, despite the tension in waiting and my desire to control. I refuse to let my impatience rob me of the joy and deep connection I can experience with my baby, my body, and the Creator. I will surrender to every sensation and open myself to whatever the long days and achy nights hold, even if it means curling up in a ball and having a good cry. In this short season, Adelaide and I are one in body and soul and I will not hurry that separation. I will hold my daughter soon and that anticipation will be my strength. I am ready.”
Credit to Merrill Durham Webster
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