“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
Henry Ford
A few years ago, this bright light appeared in one of my cooking classes, then another and another. 🫶She visited the shops I mentioned, she bought pottery that I shared, she made the dishes from class and posted about them, she spread the word and she has been the most enthusiastic support you could ever imagine. 🙏
🌟I’m excited to share that Katie may appear at your next Wildflowers and fresh food event!👩🍳She’ll be tagging along when she can and is eager to lead too. She’s a baker and that gives us room to grow since I’m more of a cook. Our styles are mirror images of each other and enthusiasm, encouraging and seeing people succeed is our thing! She’s got a full time gig in hospitality so if you get a Katie sighting you are extra lucky, most of the time it’ll still just be little ol me. 🥹
Watch for a Katie sighting in upcoming classes and let us know how you feel about a kids 🍰baking class for us to pass along our energy!😃👩🍳🌟
#Uniquethingstodo #girlsnight #getoutdoors #familytime #thingstodoinmiddletennessee #columbiafarmersmarket #visitcolumbia #cityofcolumbia #culleokatn #cookingclass #kidscook #lovewhatyoudo #lovewhatyoueat #feelgood #couplescook #adultscook #educator #registerednurse #privatechef #springhilltn #thompsonstationtn #franklintn #brentwoodtn #goodfood #wholefood #farmersmarket #lovefood #foodisart #fairhopealabama #cookwithme