It’s funny cause it’s TRUE!

Hope y’all have your snow gear, sleds, and shovels ready JUST IN CASE.

When you need them, you’ll never be able to find them in the stores!

Let’s take a little poll:
🌲Who is hoping for a white Christmas?
🌲Who wants 75 and sunny again like last year?

Can you guess what I want?

Post your answers in the comments.

Hope you’re having a lovely week!
#christmasmeme #southernwinter #middletn #tennesseeweather #snowychristmas #ilovechristmastime #happyholidays2022 #functionalmedicine #healthyholidays #merryeverything #merrychristmaseve #thestruggleisreal #funnymemes #soupseason #franklintn #functionalmedicinedoctor