Merry Christmas from our family to yours! All Drake’s restaurants are closed today so that our team may spend time with their loved ones. Need a last minute gift? Drake’s e-gift cards available to print at home or send via email. #drakescomeplay #kentuckyrestaurants #lexingtonky #sharelouisville #louisville #louisvilleky #louisvillekentucky #florencekentucky #nky #northernky #florenceyall #owensboro #owensborokentucky #owensboroky #indianapolisindiana #knoxrocks #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #franklintn #chattanooga #chattanoogatennesee #chattanoogatn #bristoltn #burlingtonnc #huntsvillealabama #huntsvilleal #ofallonil #evansvillein #ofallonillinois
Merry Christmas from our family to yours! All Drake’s restaurants are closed today so that our team may spend time with …
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