NEWS! We are taking a BOLD new road 🚗

Strength Sisters is taking a hard right in a new direction!

Coach Kelly Barbera here……You may have noticed I’ve been a little MIA on our social media for the last 6 months or so. I’ve taken a step back to wait on the Lord and just listen. Strength Sisters has been a coaching platform to coach women to be free from fad diets and overtraining.

In early 2022 I felt a shift coming. A giant tug 🙏to just wait, hold on, to stand down until further notice. So that’s exactly what I did.

I am blessed to have my prayer warrior, bestie, and sister in Christ in my corner patiently waiting and praying with me. You all know her as Coach Yolanda. She feels the shift and is just as excited about this new direction. Her words ” anything with more Jesus,…. I’m in!”

The holy spirit started to reveal itself while away on a family trip to Italy. While laying in bed in Assisi Italy my view out the window was a slim metal cross that was on the rooftop of a Duomo. Strength Sisters was placed in my heart. It was clear that God has a plan for Strength Sisters.
( pic of cross is in the post if you swipe )

It’s now clear that Strength Sisters is meant to be a ministry!

A community serving and furthering the Kingdom. I don’t have a clear path. So, I will continue to pray and wait as we go.

I ask for your prayers as Yolanda and I navigate this path.
We’d like to start with YOU! Your story.

There is so much power in one’s story/testimony. Our story can impact another person more than we possibly know. If you are interested in joining us and sharing your story please DM me. We’d be honored!

I want to say a special thank you to my biggest supporter who pushes me toward Jesus every day. My sweet hubs Joey. #blessedandgrateful

OFF we go! Praise Jesus!

#femalefitness #workoutoftheday #faithandfitness #christianfitness #franklintn #nashville #honoryourbody

#jesus #community  #dailydevotional #wordofgod  #salvation #preach #healing #churchlife#christiansisterhood #fitness  #fitnessjourney #quoteoftheday #love #fitfam #lifestyle #gym #fitnessmotivation 
#love  #gratitude #happiness  #life #peace