The First at Franklin Bridge

Par 4 | 367 | 355 | 325 | 255

When you’re standing on the first at Franklin Bridge, birdie feels possible. After all, there isn’t another hole out here that looks as easy and plays as difficult. But the first isn’t easy. Number one has been befuddling golfers out here for years.

Just look at the card. There’s a reason number one is our seventh ranked handicap hole.

A lot of people hit driver off the first out here. The advantage? You’ll have a wedge in your hand. The disadvantage? The fairway skinnies up at about 235. A driver also brings the tree on the right into play. And the tree on the left.

A 210-220 club is the play. If that’s your driver, fine. If it’s not, consider ending your pre-round range session with your 210-220 club. You’ll be set to tee off, and you’ll already have some reps in with the wind you will face on the first hole.

As for hitting your second shot, know this: center of the green is a brilliant way to play this opening hole. This is not a hole to go pin chasing on! The up and down isn’t easy, and the putts are usually pretty tricky.

Think to yourself: “More often than not, I need two putts on this green. Center of the green is my best chance at par.”

If the pin is front or middle, use your range finder and shoot the big mound in the middle of the green.

Hit the club that you know will get it to the mound. More often than not, the mound will stop it and you’ll be in prime position.

When the pin is back, something you can do is shoot the mound that is just behind the green. You can use that number, as well as the number to the pin and the middle mound, to tell you how much space you have on that back shelf.

Tee: 210-220 club

Fairway: Hit a shot you feel confident you can get to the middle of the green. If a back pin, know that middle of the green is still a good spot, but you can take one more club and try to get it back there!

Green: This green is tricky and undulated. Lag something close, and give yourself a stress free tap in.

Here’s to getting out of the gate well when you play Franklin Bridge!

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