THE SCOOP: Are you curious who came up with the name “Scoop Dogg” for our Streets Department’s Snow Plow Naming Contest? Mayor Ken Moore publicly recognized Jana Case, Molly Ayers, and David McKay at last night’s (2/28) Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting at City Hall. Linda Locke had the winning submission as well but was not in attendance. The name “Scoop Dogg” won by securing 598 votes from the 2,120 votes cast throughout this fun contest. You never know about Tennessee …weather – perhaps you’ll see Scoop Dogg in action clearing a path for you and other drivers throughout Franklin this year. You can watch the presentation here (beginning at 9:17):
THE SCOOP: Are you curious who came up with the name “Scoop Dogg” for our Streets Department’s Snow Plow Naming Contest?…
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