There are several priorities for a great home including the well-designed primary bathroom! Stepping into this beauty on #TileTuesday and it checks all the must-have boxes, don’t you think? Built by Legend Homes, it’s located in pretty Hardeman Springs. Realtors Marabeth Poole 615-336-6635 or Lisa Culp Taylor 615-775-3830 | 6008 Porters Union Way, Arrington, TN | 5 bedrooms, 5 full, 2 half baths | 3 garages | $1,999,900.
#LCTTeamlisting #LegendHomes #RealtorMarabethPoole #RealtorLisaCulpTaylor #newconstruction #WilliamsonCountynewhome #MiddleTNnewhome #615homes #MiddleTNrealestate #HardemanSpringsTN #ArringtonTNhomeforsale #FranklinTN #movingtoTN #movingtoFranklinTN #CAtoTN #ChicagotoTN #NYtoTN #Nashvilleareanewhome #FranklinTNRealtors #ParksRealty #primarybathroomdesign