This post was highly requested in our community, which I just love. You want your children to give back to the community and experience giving time and resources for someone else…that is beautiful 🤍 but finding opportunities that accept young children is challenging
Tada! I have the list for you!
Each of these organizations verified they welcome families for volunteer work. I’ve included the specified age ranges, the type of help most commonly needed, and the best contact info.
This list is by no means complete. I suggest also reaching out to your local
❤️Meals on Wheels chapter
❤️Public library
❤️Nursing homes and assisted living facilities
❤️Room in the Inn providers
One of our own Frecklefaced Friends, Shelby, pastors South End UMC which participates in Room in the Inn. She would love your family’s help cooking and sharing a meal with the guests who stay with them. To contact her, email
What other volunteering has your family done? Share it in the comments below!
#nashville #nash #nashvilletennessee #nashvillefamily #nashvillekids #volunteer #volunteering #tnvolunteers #volunteerwithkids #franklin #franklintn #615 #615living