We have raised $7,500/$48,000 to secure this new space (or very old when you take into consideration it’s the oldest house in town!!). We are getting closer and it has us all excited for the new opportunities to GROW GROW GROW!!! This is what the Lord has laid on our hearts and we believe 2023 will be a year of growth for Hope’s Bridge. If you’re looking for a good place to do an end-of-year donation, we would love for you to consider our mission. 🤍
If you’re ready to donate, visit out website: HopesBridgeTN.com/donate
. #hopesbridgemiddletn
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#franklintn #williamsoncountytn #murfreesborotn #nashville #nashvilletn #middletennessee #tennessee #tennesseefostercare
#tennesseeadoption #foster
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