When Jim and Wendy picked up their first short-term placement child, a teenage boy, Jim said to the boy, “You know, you’re the first kid we have gotten.” The boy replied, “Well, you don’t have to worry about me, I won’t ruin it for the rest of them.”

When our Bridge Families start their journey with us, they know our goal is to show Christ’s love with no expectations. They care so much about each child that comes into their home and want them to know love, feel loved and belong. Each family understands that this is transitional, not transactional.
#hopesbridgemiddletn #james127 #bridgefamilies #columbiatn #muletown #muletownusa #maurycountytn #springhilltn
#franklintn #williamsoncountytn #murfreesborotn #nashville #nashvilletn #middletennessee #tennessee #tennesseefostercare
#tennesseeadoption #foster
#fosterhope #adoption #adoptionislove #kinshipplacement #ipacare